White Team Helpful Hints

The White Team’s
Helpful Homework Hints

Organization doesn’t happen on its own – get involved!

-On a daily basis read over your student’s assignment book.  If you feel the information within it is questionable or incomplete, request that your student’s teachers verify the nightly homework with a signature.  Offering an incentive for these signatures often helps to motivate weary students.

-Some homework assignments are available at  http://new.schoolnotes.com/whiteteam/1164

-Place homework, materials, books, etc. . . in an established spot the night before so that everything is where it needs to be in the morning.

-Regularly clean out your student’s backpack.  Chaos within a backpack works like a black hole, consuming and destroying the structure and order of your student’s academic universe.

Structure routines so that your student knows his or her homework expectations.

-Establish a set time and place where homework is to be completed.  This schedule should be kept regardless of whether the student is “done” with his or her nightly homework.  Just because work is “done” doesn’t mean it is done well.  Long-term projects and DEAR reading can fill this time slot as well.

-Regularly check in with your student to verify progress is being made.  Even if you don’t have much of an understanding of the content being studied, a parent’s sincere interest can usually help their student around most obstacles.

Technology can hurt a student’s efforts at success as much as it helps.

    -Student computer screens should be public and supervised.  
    -Instant messaging should be disabled from student computers.
    -Cell phones should be out of reach.  Text messaging kills focus!

Communication is key to student success.

-Feel free to email Mr. Ritt, the team leader at tritt@hr-k12.org , or your student’s classroom teachers with any direct questions you may have.
-If your student continues to struggle, it may be time to meet with the team.  To schedule a team meeting, contact Katie Watkins in guidance at
kwatkins@hr-k12.org or call at 527-7680 ext. 4206.